Compare The One Thing That Matters
We compare prices of produce to get the most product or the best quality for our money. We compare that new car to an older model looking to determine the most car we can afford. We compare homes, schools, friends… it goes on and on. And to go further, we engage social media comparing followers and likes on platforms designed to exploit our obsessive need to compare, posting pictures and comments about our food, cars, homes, and friends. If you take a step back, it seems that the main driver for comparison is being culturally wired to strive for the "most" of whatever we are comparing and contrasting. Does this really serve us well? Does it help us get to where we want to go or accomplish what we are working towards? It is rare that we get a return on investment for the time or the mental and emotional energy injected into the comparison game. So let's turn the corner on this unproductive pattern. What's the alternative? We can choose to order our day around one primary comparison and possibly the only one that really matters. Here it is: how does your work and efforts compare to what you are capable of? This is a measurement which allows you to focus less on your ranking against others and instead measures your value to your own mission and purpose. Figure out what journey you are on and look at the things that matter most for making your way down that path; the rest is distraction. Identify what's important and what needs to change in the pursuit of what you have decided is worth accomplishing.